Jan 25, 2012

Review: Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2), by Suzanne Collins

By: Annie
Catching Fire (Hunger Games Series #2)
“Catching Fire” is the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy. This book, as the first one, captures your attention in every chapter it has, with strong cliffhangers that won’t let you put the book down.
Katniss has won The Hunger Games along with Peeta, but there are rumors of rebellions to defy the Capitol when the games were forced to have two winners. The Capitol is watching and it will do anything to keep things under its control.
There are new awesome characters introduced in this book that bring much more meaning and turns to the story, helping you understand more and in a different way how people are treated by the Capitol.
Suzanne Collins enriches much more this series twisting your heart and emotions in every possbile way, and putting you in a heart attack risk… it’s great. The love story is lovely and it makes your heart melt.
Personally, this is my favorite book in the series because it sort of brings everything together and develops the story into a clash of ideas, this book brings you even more to the story letting you feel inside it, feeling all the emotions Katniss is going thorugh.
The odds for you reading this book shall be high and also the odds of you loving it and run to read its sequel “Mockingjay”. It was the perfect bridge between a stunning first book and the epic finale. 
NOTE from Andrea: I LOVED IT, TOO!

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