PHEW! This readathon has been brutal!... for me, anyway.
So day 2 meant Book 2, which was Crossed, by Ally Condie...
I FINISHED as of Tuesday, 5:00PM CST
10:45 PM Started Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor
10:50 Participated in Bailey's (IB Book Blogging) Mini Challenge.
Two questions:
What is your favorite cover that has been revealed this summer and why? Post a link or picture of the cover if you want.
Aaaaaah! So excited for this one, it's actually Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare which was just revealed today!
Here's the cover:
I guess it's my favorite cover because it's a book I've been waiting for for so long, and I can't believe it will be here in almost a year! But, I'll have to wait and see!
Do you rely on the cover to help you choose whether you want to read a book or not?
If I'm completely honest, then yes. I do. Beautiful covers attract my eye at the store a lot more than simple ones. They make me read the back of the book, and sometimes they're so pretty I just want to have them on my bookshelf... BUT I have been disappointed quite a few times after I did this, so I've stopped buying books because of their cover alone.
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